Lewis Miller and brown pelican
Lewis Miller Rescuing a Brown Pelican from an Arizona Park
click Picture for another image of Mr. Miller in action. Rest in peace, Mr. Miller. We miss you.

Below are frequently asked questions regarding sick, injured, abandoned and orphaned wildlife:
  • I found a baby bunny. What do I do with it or how do I care for it? 
  • I found a baby bird. Where do I take it or how do I care for it?
  • We found an injured hawk. Who do I call?
  • There is an injured hurt bird in my yard? What should I do with it and who do I call? 
  • What should I feed the bird, bunny, rabbit, etc., that I found?
  • I found baby quail in my yard that have been abandoned by their mother. What should I do?
  • I found a tortoise or turtle. Where do I take it or what do I do with it?
  • I found abandoned quail eggs in my yard. What should I do with them and who should I call?
All of the above animal rescue related questions are very common. Questions and similar questions regarding sick, injured and abandoned wildlife in the Tucson area should be directed to a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator or the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
Arizona Game and Fish Department
(520) 628-5376
The AZ Game and Fish Department maintains a list of all licensed wildlife rehabilitators and wildlife control operators in Arizona.

Desert Wildlife Services, Inc.
5405 West Sunset Road
Tucson, Arizona 85743
(520) 240-4556
All images and text are copyright © 2003-7 or licensed to Desert Wildlife Services, Inc., unless stated otherwise.
All rights reserved. Logo is trademark TM of Desert Wildlife Services, Inc. All rights reserved.