Bat Removed from Home click
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a bat or bats may enter the living quarters of a home.
generally gain entrance into homes through open doors and windows.
some cases, bats enter homes after exterior
exit and entry points have been sealed before
allowing all bats to exit their roosting area.
a bat or bats are in your home, Desert Wildlife Services can remove
them. Call us as soon as you can!
strongly advise not making any physical contact with any bat, as they
can and do bite. If bitten by a bat, please call 911 as soon as
possible, as some bats carry the rabies
Bats can
be very difficult to find in some homes, so we suggest observing the
bat until it lands, and then containing it to that specifc area. This
can sometimes be accomplished by closing doors or erecting temporary
barriers to contain the bat until we, or another removal service can
get to your home and remove the bat.
Bats can
squeeze through very tight spaces. Placing a towel under doors will
help to keep them contained in some rooms.
discovered inside (or outside) homes can be submitted for rabies
testing at Pima
County Animal Control and the Arizona
Veterinary Diagnostic Lab. We highly suggest
testing if there is even a remote possiblity of any contact with a bat.
For more information on rabies, please examine the Center for
Disease Control webpages.
Wildlife Services can be reached at (520) 743-1411.