Bats Roosting Under Porch click for larger image
Love them or not, bats are one of Nature's most unique species of the Animal Kingdom.
As marvelous and biologically diverse as they are, bats can become a nuisance, or "pest" when using homes and other structures as roosting sites.
Desert Wildlife Services can remove and control bats from any type of structure without trapping or harming these unique, flying mammals.
Desert Wildlife Service removes, evicts, excludes and controls problem bats from homes and other structures in Tucson, Pima County, Oro Valley, Marana, Avra Valley, Green Valley, Vail and other
surrounding areas.
Unwanted bats roosting in attics, crawlspaces, voids and gaps between walls and beams on patios, over doorways and other places are "evicted" using one-way check valves. After the bats have been evicted, we seal the entry points to make sure the problem is solved permanently.
Bats may present other concerns, as well.
Whatever your bat removal and control needs might be, give us a ring. You might be surprised at how little it costs to remove bats from your house or structure without the use of harmful toxicants or trapping.
Desert Wildlife Services is certified as Approved Bat Exclusion Professionals by Bat Conservation International.
Desert Wildlife Services is your local, honest and dependable choice for professional bat removal and control. Please do not hesitate to give us a ring for any of your bat removal and control needs.
Our number is (520) 240-4556. Ask for Dave Purwin. He will personally address your bat eviction, removal and control questions.